Tickets will go on sale March 1, 2025—Check back soon!
Join The Alexandria Singers for our annual pops concert!
Friday June 6, 2025 at 7:30 PM, Saturday June 7, 2025 at 2:00 PM & 7:30 PM
Returning: Pay What You Wish (PWYW) model of ticket pricing
You will be asked to enter your desired PER TICKET price during checkout one time and that value will apply to each single ticket in your order (minimum $1 + 3% fee system processing requirements). If an error is made while entering your per ticket price, you must empty your cart and re-add the qty of tickets again to be prompted to enter the per ticket value you intended. For tracking purposes and venue capacity limits one seat = one PWYW ticket. If purchasing for others, you must add one ticket per person seated to your cart as the quantity, not per party, or only one ticket/seat will be assigned and granted admission.
This production's Pay What You Wish ticketing model is made possible by our Special Events Sponsors:
Avening Management and Technical Services, LLC
If you would consider becoming a special event sponsor so that we may continue our Pay What You Wish ticketing model, please contact [email protected]